We will help you:
- Formulate hypotheses
- Determine a justifiable sample size utilizing power analyses
- Develop a full data analytic plan
- Identify your dependent and independent variables
- Set up a template to enter data into Excel or SPSS
- Design a survey that answers your research questions
- Help create a suitable online survey via Survey Monkey
- Determine what sorts of statistical tests need to be used to answer your research questions
- Review and edit the research methods chapter
- Tune up your methods chapter to add clarity to your study
- Interpret the results and formulate conclusions based on your findings
- Present your results utilizing tables and graphs
- Verify the accuracy of your technical writing, including the use of italics and proper spacing
- They are done with their project sooner, which saves them time, tuition costs and hassle.
- They are better prepared and more confident when they meet with their advisor and committee.
- They are less stressed because they are now more organized.
- Their committee has them make fewer revisions.
- They more clearly understand their findings/results so they are able to write better recommendations and conclusions.
- They are more confident when presenting their study at their Final Oral examination.